Unemployment Rate and Employment Data in Norway
Norway Unemployment Data
Indicator | Data | Period |
Unemployment Rate | 3.6 % | Aug/23 |
Youth Unemployment Rate | 11.8 % | Aug/23 |
Employed Persons | 2891 Thousand Person | 2.891 Million Person | Aug/23 |
Employment Change | 0.1 % | 2Q/23 |
Employment Rate | 70.5 % | 2Q/23 |
Full Time Employment | 2046 Thousand Person | 1Q/23 |
Long Term Unemployment Rate | 0.4 % | 2Q/23 |
Part Time Employment | 672 Thousand Persons | 1Q/23 |
Unemployed Persons | 66385 Persons | 0.066 Million Persons | Sep/23 |
Latest data on Unemployment Rate (%)
What is Unemployment Rate in Norway?
- Unemployment Rate in Norway remained unchanged at 3.6 % in August 2023. The maximum rate was 6.4 % and minimum was 1.4 %.
- Data published Monthly by Statistics.
Historical Data (%) by years
3.6 | Aug/23 | 27.09.2023 |
3.5 | Jul/23 | 24.08.2023 |
3.4 | Jun/23 | 27.07.2023 |
3 | May/23 | 22.06.2023 |
3.5 | Apr/23 | 25.05.2023 |
3.7 | Mar/23 | 01.05.2023 |
3.1 | Dec/22 | 26.01.2023 |
3.2 | Sep/22 | 27.10.2022 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (%)
Unemployment Rate in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Erna Solberg | 16.10.2013 - | 3.3000 | 3.9000 | 4.9000 | 3.2000 | 18.18% |
Jens Stoltenberg | 17.10.2005 - 16.10.2013 | 4.5000 | 3.4000 | 4.5000 | 2.3000 | -24.44% |
Kjell Magne | 19.10.2001 - 17.10.2005 | 3.7000 | 4.5000 | 4.7000 | 3.4000 | 21.62% |
Jens Stoltenberg | 17.03.2000 - 19.10.2001 | 3.3000 | 3.6000 | 3.6000 | 3.0000 | 9.09% |
Kjell Magne (2) | 17.10.1997 - 17.03.2000 | 3.5000 | 3.4000 | 3.5000 | 2.7000 | -2.86% |
Thorbjorn Jagland | 25.10.1996 - 17.10.1997 | 4.0000 | 3.7000 | 4.2000 | 3.7000 | -7.50% |
Latest data on Youth Unemployment Rate (%)
What is Youth Unemployment Rate in Norway?
- Youth Unemployment Rate in Norway increased to 11.8 % in August 2023. The maximum rate was 14.8 % and minimum was 5.6 %.
- Data published Monthly by Eurostat.
Historical Data (%) by years
11.8 | Aug/23 | 27.09.2023 |
10.7 | Jul/23 | 24.08.2023 |
10.2 | Jun/23 | 29.07.2023 |
8 | May/23 | 24.06.2023 |
10.7 | Apr/23 | 27.05.2023 |
13 | Mar/23 | 01.05.2023 |
10 | Dec/22 | 28.01.2023 |
9.2 | Sep/22 | 29.10.2022 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (%)
Youth Unemployment Rate in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Erna Solberg | 16.10.2013 - | 8.4000 | 8.9000 | 11.7000 | 6.9000 | 5.95% |
Jens Stoltenberg | 17.10.2005 - 16.10.2013 | 11.0000 | 9.1000 | 11.5000 | 6.5000 | -17.27% |
Kjell Magne | 19.10.2001 - 17.10.2005 | 10.7000 | 11.2000 | 12.1000 | 9.5000 | 4.67% |
Jens Stoltenberg | 17.03.2000 - 19.10.2001 | 10.1000 | 10.2000 | 10.5000 | 8.2000 | 0.99% |
Kjell Magne (2) | 17.10.1997 - 17.03.2000 | 9.3000 | 10.5000 | 10.5000 | 7.7000 | 12.90% |
Thorbjorn Jagland | 25.10.1996 - 17.10.1997 | 11.5000 | 9.8000 | 11.8000 | 9.8000 | -14.78% |
Gro Harlem (3) | 03.11.1990 - 25.10.1996 | 13.0000 | 11.4000 | 15.7000 | 11.4000 | -12.31% |
Jan Peder Syse | 16.10.1989 - 03.11.1990 | 13.4000 | 12.1000 | 13.4000 | 11.7000 | -9.70% |
Gro Harlem (2) | 09.05.1986 - 16.10.1989 | 11.5000 | 13.8000 | 13.8000 | 10.2000 | 20.00% |
Latest data on Employed Persons (Thousand Person)
How many employed persons are in Norway?
- Number of Employed Persons in Norway increased to 2891 Thousand Person (2.891 Million Person) in August 2023. The maximum rate was 2755 Thousand Person and minimum was 1885 Thousand Person.
- Data published Monthly by Statistics.
Historical Data (Thousand Person) by years
2891 | Aug/23 | 27.09.2023 |
2880 | Jul/23 | 24.08.2023 |
2881 | Jun/23 | 29.07.2023 |
2871 | May/23 | 24.06.2023 |
2878 | Apr/23 | 25.05.2023 |
2866 | Mar/23 | 01.05.2023 |
2852 | Dec/22 | 26.01.2023 |
2862 | Sep/22 | 27.10.2022 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (Thousand Person)
Employed Persons in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on Employment Change (%)
What is Employment Change rate in Norway?
- Employment Change in Norway increased by 0.1 % in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum change was 1.4 % and minimum was -2.7 %.
- Data published Quarterly by Eurostat.
Historical Data (%) by years
0.1 | 2Q/23 | 08.09.2023 |
0.5 | 1Q/23 | 29.05.2023 |
0.4 | 4Q/22 | 08.03.2023 |
0.5 | 3Q/22 | 30.11.2022 |
0.7 | 2Q/22 | 10.10.2022 |
1.3 | 4Q/21 | 23.02.2022 |
2.2 | 3Q/21 | 18.02.2022 |
0.4 | 2Q/21 | 30.08.2021 |
Historical Chart by QoQ prime ministers (%)
Employment Change in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on Employment Rate (%)
What is Employment Rate in Norway?
- Employment Rate in Norway increased to 70.5 % in the third quarter of 2023. The maximum rate was 71.8 % and minimum was 63 %.
- Data published Quarterly by Statistics.
Historical Data (%) by years
70.5 | 2Q/23 | 27.09.2023 |
70.1 | 2Q/23 | 24.08.2023 |
70.3 | 2Q/23 | 27.07.2023 |
70.1 | 1Q/23 | 24.06.2023 |
70.3 | 1Q/23 | 25.05.2023 |
70.1 | 1Q/23 | 01.05.2023 |
69.9 | 4Q/22 | 26.01.2023 |
70.5 | 3Q/22 | 27.10.2022 |
Historical Chart by QoQ prime ministers (%)
Employment Rate in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on Full Time Employment (Thousand Person)
What is the number of full-time workers in Norway?
- Full Time Employment in Norway decreased to 2046 Thousand Person in the first quarter of 2023. The maximum rate was 1961 Thousand Person and minimum was 1559 Thousand Person.
- Data published Quarterly by Eurostat.
Historical Data (Thousand Person) by years
2046 | 1Q/23 | 19.06.2023 |
2051 | 4Q/22 | 20.03.2023 |
2095 | 3Q/22 | 21.12.2022 |
2078 | 2Q/22 | 17.09.2022 |
2026 | 4Q/21 | 19.03.2022 |
2042 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
1984 | 2Q/21 | 18.09.2021 |
1937 | 1Q/21 | 24.07.2021 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (Thousand Person)
Full Time Employment in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on Long Term Unemployment Rate (%)
What is Long Term Unemployment Rate in Norway?
- Long Term Unemployment Rate in Norway decreased to 0.4 % in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum rate was 2 % and minimum was 0.3 %.
- Data published Quarterly by Eurostat.
Historical Data (%) by years
0.4 | 2Q/23 | 23.09.2023 |
0.6 | 1Q/23 | 17.06.2023 |
0.6 | 4Q/22 | 20.03.2023 |
0.6 | 3Q/22 | 19.01.2023 |
0.6 | 2Q/22 | 08.10.2022 |
0.8 | 1Q/22 | 16.07.2022 |
0.9 | 4Q/21 | 18.05.2022 |
1 | 3Q/21 | 17.02.2022 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (%)
Long Term Unemployment Rate in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on Part Time Employment (Thousand Persons)
What is Part Time Employment in Norway?
- Part Time Employment in Norway decreased to 672 Thousand Persons in the first quarter of 2023. The maximum rate was 699 Thousand Persons and minimum was 532 Thousand Persons.
- Data published Quarterly by Eurostat.
Historical Data (Thousand Persons) by years
672 | 1Q/23 | 19.06.2023 |
673 | 4Q/22 | 20.03.2023 |
649 | 3Q/22 | 21.12.2022 |
666 | 2Q/22 | 17.09.2022 |
664 | 4Q/21 | 19.03.2022 |
652 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
669 | 2Q/21 | 18.09.2021 |
648 | 1Q/21 | 24.07.2021 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (Thousand Persons)
Part Time Employment in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on Unemployed Persons (Persons)
How many Unemployed Persons are in Norway?
- Number of Unemployed Persons in Norway remained unchanged at 66385 Persons (0.066 Million Persons) in September 2023. The maximum rate was 295761 Persons and minimum was 38220 Persons.
- Data published Monthly by Labour and Welfare Organisation.
Historical Data (Persons) by years
66385 | Sep/23 | 29.09.2023 |
66031 | Aug/23 | 07.09.2023 |
64244 | Jul/23 | 28.07.2023 |
62083 | Jun/23 | 30.06.2023 |
61426 | May/23 | 02.06.2023 |
61638 | Apr/23 | 28.04.2023 |
59822 | Mar/23 | 31.03.2023 |
59985 | Feb/23 | 03.03.2023 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (Persons)
Unemployed Persons in Norway by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Other labor indicators in Norway
Index | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Retirement Age Men | 2022 | 62 | 62 |
Wages | 2Q/23 | 4976.271 USD/Month | 4885.96 |
Job Vacancies | 2Q/23 | 128.1 K | 136.2 |
Labor Force Participation Rate | 2Q/23 | 73.1 % | 72.8 |
Unemployment Rate in other countries
Country | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Austria | Sep/23 | 5.9 % | 6.1 |
Ireland | Sep/23 | 4.2 % | 4.1 |
Luxembourg | Aug/23 | 5.3 % | 5.2 |
Spain | 2Q/23 | 11.6 % | 13.26 |
Iceland | Aug/23 | 3.3 % | 3.5 |
Norway | Aug/23 | 3.6 % | 3.6 |
Belarus | Dec/22 | 3.6 % | 3.9 |
Belgium | Aug/23 | 5.5 % | 5.5 |
Bulgaria | Aug/23 | 5.3 % | 5.2 |
Croatia | Aug/23 | 6 % | 5.8 |
Cyprus | Aug/23 | 6.6 % | 6.6 |
Czech Republic | Sep/23 | 3.6 % | 3.6 |
Denmark | Aug/23 | 2.5 % | 2.5 |
Estonia | 2Q/23 | 6.7 % | 5.3 |
Euro Area | Aug/23 | 6.4 % | 6.5 |
European Union | Aug/23 | 5.9 % | 6 |
Finland | Aug/23 | 6.7 % | 6.9 |
France | 2Q/23 | 7.2 % | 7.1 |
Germany | Sep/23 | 5.7 % | 5.7 |
Greece | Aug/23 | 10.9 % | 10.9 |
Hungary | Aug/23 | 4.1 % | 4 |
Italy | Aug/23 | 7.3 % | 7.5 |
Latvia | 2Q/23 | 6.4 % | 6.4 |
Lithuania | Aug/23 | 8.4 % | 8.6 |
Macedonia | 2Q/23 | 13.2 % | 13.4 |
Malta | 2Q/23 | 2.5 % | 2.9 |
Moldova | 2Q/23 | 3.8 % | 5.5 |
Montenegro | Sep/23 | 16.2 % | 16.43 |
Netherlands | Aug/23 | 3.6 % | 3.6 |
Poland | Aug/23 | 5 % | 5 |
Portugal | 2Q/23 | 6.1 % | 7.2 |
Romania | Aug/23 | 5.4 % | 5.5 |
Russia | Aug/23 | 3 % | 3 |
Serbia | 2Q/23 | 9.6 % | 10.1 |
Slovakia | Aug/23 | 5.23 % | 5.22 |
Slovenia | Jul/23 | 4.8 % | 4.7 |
Sweden | Aug/23 | 7.7 % | 6.2 |
Switzerland | Sep/23 | 2 % | 2 |
Turkey | Aug/23 | 9.2 % | 9.4 |
Ukraine | 4Q/21 | 10.5 % | 9.1 |
United Kingdom | Aug/19 | 3.9 % | |
Liechtenstein | 2022 | 1.3 % | 1.6 |
Albania | 2Q/23 | 10.7 % | 10.9 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Jun/23 | 13.1 % | 13.3 |
Kosovo | 4Q/22 | 12.6 % | 20.7 |