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Unemployment Rate and Employment Data in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Unemployment Data

Indicator Data Period
Unemployment Rate 2.8 % Aug/23
Youth Unemployment Rate 6.3 % Aug/23
Employed Persons 3714 Thousand Person | 3.714 Million Person Aug/23
Unemployed Persons 112 Thousand Persons | 0.112 Million Persons Aug/23

Latest data on Unemployment Rate (%)

Unemployment Rate
                     Hong Kong - Historical Data (%)

What is Unemployment Rate in Hong Kong?

  • Unemployment Rate in Hong Kong remained unchanged at 2.8 % in August 2023. The maximum rate was 8.5 % and minimum was 1 %.
  • Data published Monthly by Census and Statistics Department.

Historical Data (%) by years

2.8 Aug/23 19.09.2023
2.8 Jul/23 17.08.2023
2.9 Jun/23 18.07.2023
3 May/23 19.06.2023
3 Apr/23 18.05.2023
3.1 Mar/23 24.04.2023
3.3 Feb/23 16.03.2023
3.4 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by chief executives (%)

Unemployment Rate in Hong Kong by chief executives

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
Carrie Lam 01.07.2017 - 3.1000 2.8000 3.1000 2.8000 -9.68%

Latest data on Youth Unemployment Rate (%)

Youth Unemployment Rate
                     Hong Kong - Historical Data (%)

What is Youth Unemployment Rate in Hong Kong?

  • Youth Unemployment Rate in Hong Kong increased to 6.3 % in August 2023. The maximum rate was 12.1 % and minimum was 1.9 %.
  • Data published Monthly by Census and Statistics Department.

Historical Data (%) by years

6.3 Aug/23 19.09.2023
6.1 Jul/23 17.08.2023
5.5 Jun/23 18.07.2023
5 May/23 19.06.2023
5.3 Apr/23 18.05.2023
5.4 Mar/23 24.04.2023
5.8 Feb/23 16.03.2023
5.9 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by chief executives (%)

Youth Unemployment Rate in Hong Kong by chief executives

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
Carrie Lam 01.07.2017 - 5.4000 5.3000 6.9000 5.0000 -1.85%

Latest data on Employed Persons (Thousand Person)

Employed Persons
                     Hong Kong - Historical Data (Thousand Person)

How many employed persons are in Hong Kong?

  • Number of Employed Persons in Hong Kong increased to 3714 Thousand Person (3.714 Million Person) in August 2023. The maximum rate was 3882 Thousand Person and minimum was 2371 Thousand Person.
  • Data published Monthly by Census and Statistics Department.

Historical Data (Thousand Person) by years

3714 Aug/23 19.09.2023
3708 Jul/23 17.08.2023
3689 Jun/23 18.07.2023
3674 May/23 19.06.2023
3656 Apr/23 18.05.2023
3654 Mar/23 24.04.2023
3650 Feb/23 16.03.2023
3662 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by chief executives (Thousand Person)

Employed Persons in Hong Kong by chief executives

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Latest data on Unemployed Persons (Thousand Persons)

Unemployed Persons
                     Hong Kong - Historical Data (Thousand Persons)

How many Unemployed Persons are in Hong Kong?

  • Number of Unemployed Persons in Hong Kong remained unchanged at 112 Thousand Persons (0.112 Million Persons) in August 2023. The maximum rate was 308 Thousand Persons and minimum was 24.9 Thousand Persons.
  • Data published Monthly by Census and Statistics Department.

Historical Data (Thousand Persons) by years

112 Aug/23 19.09.2023
112 Jul/23 17.08.2023
114 Jun/23 18.07.2023
113 May/23 19.06.2023
114 Apr/23 18.05.2023
115 Mar/23 24.04.2023
116 Feb/23 16.03.2023
118 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by chief executives (Thousand Persons)

Unemployed Persons in Hong Kong by chief executives

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Other labor indicators in Hong Kong

Index Updated Actual Previous
Retirement Age Men 2022 65 65
Wages 2Q/23 2306.018 USD/Month 2269.91
Job Vacancies 2Q/23 81.464 K 77.751
Labor Force Participation Rate Aug/23 57.7 % 57.6

Unemployment Rate in other countries

Country Updated Actual Previous
Bangladesh 2022 4.7 % 5.1
Jordan 2Q/23 22.3 % 21.9
Kyrgyzstan Jul/23 2.7 % 2.8
Mongolia 2Q/23 5.8 % 6.6
Nepal 2021 5.1 % 4.7
Palestine 2Q/23 24.7 % 25.2
Tajikistan Dec/22 7.8 % 7.7
Cambodia 20 0.22 % 0.23
China 2Q/23 5.2 % 5.3
Georgia 2023 16.7 % 18
India 2023 7.1 % 8.1
Israel Aug/23 3.1 % 3.4
Pakistan 2021 6.3 % 6.9
South Korea Aug/23 2.4 % 2.8
Taiwan Aug/23 3.42 % 3.43
Vietnam 2Q/23 2.3 % 2.25
Maldives 2022 4.9 % 6.1
Armenia 2Q/23 11.7 % 13.7
Hong Kong Aug/23 2.8 % 2.8
Indonesia 1Q/23 5.45 % 5.86
Japan Aug/23 2.7 % 2.7
Kazakhstan Jun/23 4.7 % 4.8
Lebanon 2022 12.6 % 12.5
Macau Aug/23 2.5 % 2.6
Malaysia Aug/23 3.4 % 3.4
Philippines 2Q/23 4.4 % 4.8
Qatar 1Q/23 0.1 % 0.1
Singapore 2Q/23 1.9 % 1.8
Sri Lanka 2Q/23 5.2 % 4.7
Thailand Jun/23 1.06 % 1.05
Oman 2022 2.3 % 2.5
Iran 1Q/23 9.7 % 8.2
Laos 2022 2.6 % 3.6
Azerbaijan 2022 5.5 % 6
Kuwait 2022 2.5 % 2.8
Saudi Arabia 2Q/23 4.9 % 5.1
Bahrain 2022 5.5 % 6.6
North Korea 2022 3 % 3.2
United Arab Emirates 2022 2.75 % 3.11
Yemen 2022 13.59 % 13.89
Turkmenistan 2021 5.1 % 5
Uzbekistan 2018 6.9 % 7.2
Iraq 2022 15.55 % 16.17
Syria 2022 9.6 % 9.8
Afghanistan 2021 13.3 % 11.7
Bhutan 2022 5.9 % 4.8
Brunei 2022 7.2 % 7.4
Mauritius 2Q/23 6.4 % 6.7