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Unemployment Rate and Employment Data in Australia

Australia Unemployment Data

Indicator Data Period
Unemployment Rate 3.7 % Aug/23
Youth Unemployment Rate 8.31 % Aug/23
Employed Persons 14108 Thousand Person | 14.108 Million Person Aug/23
Employment Change  64900 Thousand Person | 64.9 K Persons Aug/23
Employment Rate  64.51 % Aug/23
Full Time Employment 2800 Persons | 2.8 K Persons Aug/23
Part Time Employment 62077 Persons | 62.077 K Persons Aug/23
Unemployed Persons 541 Thousand Persons | 0.541 Million Persons Aug/23

Latest data on Unemployment Rate (%)

Unemployment Rate
                     Australia - Historical Data (%)

What is Unemployment Rate in Australia?

  • Unemployment Rate in Australia remained unchanged at 3.7 % in August 2023. The maximum rate was 11.2 % and minimum was 4 %.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (%) by years

3.7 Aug/23 14.09.2023
3.7 Jul/23 17.08.2023
3.5 Jun/23 20.07.2023
3.6 May/23 15.06.2023
3.7 Apr/23 18.05.2023
3.5 Mar/23 13.04.2023
3.5 Feb/23 16.03.2023
3.7 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (%)

Unemployment Rate in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
Malcolm Turnbull 15.09.2015 - 24.08.2018 5.6000 5.4000 5.6000 5.4000 -3.57%

Latest data on Youth Unemployment Rate (%)

Youth Unemployment Rate
                     Australia - Historical Data (%)

What is Youth Unemployment Rate in Australia?

  • Youth Unemployment Rate in Australia decreased to 8.31 % in August 2023. The maximum rate was 20.1 % and minimum was 7.6 %.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (%) by years

8.31 Aug/23 14.09.2023
8.62 Jul/23 07.09.2023
7.75 Jun/23 20.07.2023
7.62 May/23 15.06.2023
8.6 Apr/23 18.05.2023
7.8 Mar/23 13.04.2023
7.9 Feb/23 16.03.2023
7.88 Jan/23 25.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (%)

Youth Unemployment Rate in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
Malcolm Turnbull 15.09.2015 - 24.08.2018 13.1000 11.6000 13.3000 11.6000 -11.45%

Latest data on Employed Persons (Thousand Person)

Employed Persons
                     Australia - Historical Data (Thousand Person)

How many employed persons are in Australia?

  • Number of Employed Persons in Australia increased to 14108 Thousand Person (14.108 Million Person) in August 2023. The maximum rate was 13154 Thousand Person and minimum was 5998 Thousand Person.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (Thousand Person) by years

14108 Aug/23 14.09.2023
14027 Jul/23 19.08.2023
14046 Jun/23 22.07.2023
14012 May/23 15.06.2023
13882 Apr/23 18.05.2023
13884 Mar/23 13.04.2023
13826 Feb/23 16.03.2023
13722 Jan/23 18.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (Thousand Person)

Employed Persons in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Latest data on Employment Change  (Thousand Person)

Employment Change 
                     Australia - Historical Data (Thousand Person)

What is Employment Change rate in Australia?

  • Employment Change in Australia increased by 64900 Thousand Person (64.9 K Persons) in August 2023. The maximum change was 226738 Thousand Person and minimum was -606919 Thousand Person.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (Thousand Person) by years

64900 Aug/23 14.09.2023
-14600 Jul/23 17.08.2023
32600 Jun/23 20.07.2023
75900 May/23 15.06.2023
-4300 Apr/23 18.05.2023
53006 Mar/23 13.04.2023
64559 Feb/23 16.03.2023
-11500 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (Thousand Person)

Employment Change  in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Latest data on Employment Rate  (%)

Employment Rate 
                     Australia - Historical Data (%)

What is Employment Rate in Australia?

  • Employment Rate in Australia increased to 64.51 % in August 2023. The maximum rate was 62.9 % and minimum was 54 %.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (%) by years

64.51 Aug/23 14.09.2023
64.27 Jul/23 19.08.2023
64.51 Jun/23 22.07.2023
64.5 May/23 15.06.2023
64.2 Apr/23 18.05.2023
64.4 Mar/23 13.04.2023
64.3 Feb/23 16.03.2023
64.03 Jan/23 18.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (%)

Employment Rate  in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Latest data on Full Time Employment (Persons)

Full Time Employment
                     Australia - Historical Data (Persons)

What is the number of full-time workers in Australia?

  • Full Time Employment in Australia increased to 2800 Persons (2.8 K Persons) in August 2023. The maximum rate was 97500 Persons and minimum was -236883 Persons.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (Persons) by years

2800 Aug/23 14.09.2023
-24200 Jul/23 17.08.2023
39300 Jun/23 20.07.2023
61700 May/23 15.06.2023
-27132 Apr/23 18.05.2023
72243 Mar/23 13.04.2023
74906 Feb/23 16.03.2023
-43300 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (Persons)

Full Time Employment in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Latest data on Part Time Employment (Persons)

Part Time Employment
                     Australia - Historical Data (Persons)

What is Part Time Employment in Australia?

  • Part Time Employment in Australia increased to 62077 Persons (62.077 K Persons) in August 2023. The maximum rate was 252307 Persons and minimum was -370036 Persons.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (Persons) by years

62077 Aug/23 14.09.2023
9600 Jul/23 17.08.2023
-6700 Jun/23 20.07.2023
14256 May/23 15.06.2023
22834 Apr/23 18.05.2023
-19200 Mar/23 13.04.2023
-10347 Feb/23 16.03.2023
31800 Jan/23 16.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (Persons)

Part Time Employment in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Latest data on Unemployed Persons (Thousand Persons)

Unemployed Persons
                     Australia - Historical Data (Thousand Persons)

How many Unemployed Persons are in Australia?

  • Number of Unemployed Persons in Australia decreased to 541 Thousand Persons (0.541 Million Persons) in August 2023. The maximum rate was 1008 Thousand Persons and minimum was 365 Thousand Persons.
  • Data published Monthly by Bureau of Statistics.

Historical Data (Thousand Persons) by years

541 Aug/23 14.09.2023
541 Jul/23 19.08.2023
504 Jun/23 22.07.2023
516 May/23 15.06.2023
528 Apr/23 18.05.2023
507 Mar/23 13.04.2023
507 Feb/23 16.03.2023
523 Jan/23 18.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (Thousand Persons)

Unemployed Persons in Australia by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Other labor indicators in Australia

Index Updated Actual Previous
Retirement Age Men 2022 66.5 66.5
Wages 2Q/23 3591.784 USD/Month 3540.436
Job Vacancies 3Q/23 390 K 428
Labor Force Participation Rate Aug/23 67 % 66.9
Living Wage Individual 2018 1215.668 USD/Month 1250.009

Unemployment Rate in other countries

Country Updated Actual Previous
Australia Aug/23 3.7 % 3.7
New Zealand 2Q/23 3.6 % 3.4
Papua New Guinea 2022 2.8 % 2.8
Fiji 2022 4.3 % 4.9