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Producer Prices in Angola

Angola PPI Index

Indicator Data Period
Producer Prices 518 Index points Aug/23
Producer Prices Change  17.79 % Aug/23

Latest data on Producer Prices (Index points)

Producer Prices
                     Angola - Historical Data (Index points)

What is Angola Producer Prices Index?

  • Producer Prices in Angola increased to 518 Index points in August 2023. The maximum level was 330 Index points and minimum was 94.82 Index points
  • Data published Monthly by National Statistical Institute.

Historical Data (Index points) by years

518 Aug/23 16.09.2023
506 Jul/23 15.08.2023
497 Jun/23 14.07.2023
488 May/23 13.06.2023
482 Apr/23 20.05.2023
476 Mar/23 13.04.2023
471 Feb/23 14.03.2023
465 Jan/23 14.02.2023

Historical Chart by presidents (Index points)

Producer Prices in Angola by presidents

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Latest data on Producer Prices Change  (%)

Producer Prices Change 
                     Angola - Historical Data (%)

What is Angola producer price growth?

  • Producer Prices growth in Angola increased by 17.79 % in August 2023. The maximum growth was 29.85 % and minimum was 6.05 %.
  • Data published Monthly by National Statistical Institute.

Historical Data (%) by years

17.79 Aug/23 12.09.2023
16.46 Jul/23 15.08.2023
15.58 Jun/23 14.07.2023
15 May/23 13.06.2023
14.93 Apr/23 20.05.2023
15.18 Mar/23 13.04.2023
16.3 Feb/23 14.03.2023
17.5 Jan/23 14.02.2023

Historical Chart by YoY presidents (%)

Producer Prices Change  in Angola by presidents

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End

Other inflation indicators in Angola

Index Updated Actual Previous
Inflation Rate YoY Aug/23 13.54 % 12.12

Producer Prices in other countries

Country Updated Actual Previous
Egypt Aug/23 362 in. pt. 353
Kenya 2Q/23 140 in. pt. 135
Tanzania 4Q/19 104 in. pt. 103
Tunisia Dec/22 186 in. pt. 187
Morocco Jun/23 119 in. pt. 118
Senegal Aug/23 134 in. pt. 134
Seychelles Aug/23 109 in. pt. 108
South Africa Aug/23 129 in. pt. 128
Uganda Mar/23 234 in. pt. 234
Rwanda 2Q/23 207 in. pt. 205
Mozambique Mar/23 141 in. pt. 139
Ghana Aug/23 195 in. pt. 196
Algeria 2Q/19 1424.3 in. pt.
Angola Aug/23 518 in. pt. 506