Money Supply M0, M1, M2, M3 in Philippines
Philippines Money Supply Data
Indicator | Data | Period |
Money Supply M0 | 1879166 PHP Million | 1879.166 B USD | Aug/23 |
Money Supply M1 | 6465417 PHP Million | 6465.417 B USD | Aug/23 |
Money Supply M2 | 15998726 PHP Million | 15998.726 B USD | Aug/23 |
Money Supply M3 | 16466730 PHP Million | 16466.73 B USD | Aug/23 |
Latest data on Money Supply M0 (PHP Million)
How much M0 Money Supply is in Philippines?
- Money Supply M0 in Philippines 1879166 PHP Million (1879.166 B USD) 1879166 PHP Million (1879.166 B USD) in August 2023. The maximum volume was 1734011 PHP Million and minimum was 1918 PHP Million
- Data published Monthly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (PHP Million) by years
1879166 | Aug/23 | 07.10.2023 |
1891168 | Jul/23 | 23.09.2023 |
1927230 | Jun/23 | 06.09.2023 |
1950143 | May/23 | 03.07.2023 |
1958944 | Apr/23 | 03.06.2023 |
1934866 | Mar/23 | 11.05.2023 |
1891124 | Feb/23 | 01.04.2023 |
1910546 | Jan/23 | 04.03.2023 |
Historical Chart by presidents (PHP Million)
Money Supply M0 in Philippines by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Rodrigo Duterte | 30.06.2016 - | 776840.0000 | 1053827.3800 | 1063042.6200 | 762719.0000 | 35.66% |
Benigno Aquino | 30.06.2010 - 30.06.2016 | 415648.7200 | 796619.2500 | 815219.4400 | 399309.0300 | 91.66% |
Gloria Macapagal | 20.01.2001 - 30.06.2010 | 170300.0000 | 433862.1600 | 456448.3800 | 156252.0000 | 154.76% |
Joseph Ejercito Estrada | 30.06.1998 - 20.01.2001 | 126559.0000 | 192300.0000 | 218474.0000 | 116857.0000 | 51.94% |
Fidel V. Ramos | 30.06.1992 - 30.06.1998 | 62250.0000 | 136048.0000 | 143643.0000 | 58067.0000 | 118.55% |
Corazon C. Aquino | 25.02.1986 - 30.06.1992 | 28644.0000 | 68351.0000 | 69394.0000 | 21177.0000 | 138.62% |
Latest data on Money Supply M1 (PHP Million)
How much M1 Money Supply is in Philippines?
- Money Supply M1 in Philippines 6465417 PHP Million (6465.417 B USD) 6465417 PHP Million (6465.417 B USD) in August 2023. The maximum volume was 5568470 PHP Million and minimum was 14600 PHP Million
- Data published Monthly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (PHP Million) by years
6465417 | Aug/23 | 07.10.2023 |
6402503 | Jul/23 | 23.09.2023 |
6458452 | Jun/23 | 06.09.2023 |
6444855 | May/23 | 03.07.2023 |
6460516 | Apr/23 | 03.06.2023 |
6467114 | Mar/23 | 11.05.2023 |
6461093 | Feb/23 | 01.04.2023 |
6463288 | Jan/23 | 04.03.2023 |
Historical Chart by presidents (PHP Million)
Money Supply M1 in Philippines by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Rodrigo Duterte | 30.06.2016 - | 2792883.5000 | 3721314.0000 | 3721314.0000 | 2792883.5000 | 33.24% |
Benigno Aquino | 30.06.2010 - 30.06.2016 | 1233370.7500 | 2770892.2500 | 2770892.2500 | 1217848.3800 | 124.66% |
Gloria Macapagal | 20.01.2001 - 30.06.2010 | 382023.0000 | 1256618.3800 | 1256618.3800 | 350540.0000 | 228.94% |
Joseph Ejercito Estrada | 30.06.1998 - 20.01.2001 | 251213.0000 | 386981.0000 | 394127.0000 | 235853.0000 | 54.04% |
Fidel V. Ramos | 30.06.1992 - 30.06.1998 | 100539.0000 | 255527.0000 | 258318.0000 | 93059.0000 | 154.16% |
Corazon C. Aquino | 25.02.1986 - 30.06.1992 | 40700.0000 | 100976.0000 | 102220.0000 | 32300.0000 | 148.10% |
Latest data on Money Supply M2 (PHP Million)
How much M2 Money Supply is in Philippines?
- Money Supply M2 in Philippines 15998726 PHP Million (15998.726 B USD) 15998726 PHP Million (15998.726 B USD) in August 2023. The maximum volume was 13614153 PHP Million and minimum was 44456 PHP Million
- Data published Monthly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (PHP Million) by years
15998726 | Aug/23 | 07.10.2023 |
15772122 | Jul/23 | 23.09.2023 |
15900118 | Jun/23 | 06.09.2023 |
15837211 | May/23 | 03.07.2023 |
15787125 | Apr/23 | 03.06.2023 |
15702639 | Mar/23 | 11.05.2023 |
15600217 | Feb/23 | 01.04.2023 |
15481656 | Jan/23 | 04.03.2023 |
Historical Chart by presidents (PHP Million)
Money Supply M2 in Philippines by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Rodrigo Duterte | 30.06.2016 - | 8401666.0000 | 10460450.0000 | 10484059.0000 | 8399147.0000 | 24.50% |
Benigno Aquino | 30.06.2010 - 30.06.2016 | 3858291.7500 | 8318449.5000 | 8318449.5000 | 3807217.2500 | 115.60% |
Gloria Macapagal | 20.01.2001 - 30.06.2010 | 1433833.0000 | 3833087.7500 | 3880968.0000 | 1418841.0000 | 167.33% |
Joseph Ejercito Estrada | 30.06.1998 - 20.01.2001 | 1071912.0000 | 1423191.0000 | 1423191.0000 | 1053988.0000 | 32.77% |
Fidel V. Ramos | 30.06.1992 - 30.06.1998 | 354771.0000 | 1057640.0000 | 1057640.0000 | 339568.0000 | 198.12% |
Corazon C. Aquino | 25.02.1986 - 30.06.1992 | 121551.0000 | 350302.0000 | 350302.0000 | 116748.9000 | 188.19% |
Latest data on Money Supply M3 (PHP Million)
How much M3 Money Supply is in Philippines?
- Money Supply M3 in Philippines 16466730 PHP Million (16466.73 B USD) 16466730 PHP Million (16466.73 B USD) in August 2023. The maximum volume was 14281455 PHP Million and minimum was 56544 PHP Million
- Data published Monthly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (PHP Million) by years
16466730 | Aug/23 | 07.10.2023 |
16242048 | Jul/23 | 23.09.2023 |
16350071 | Jun/23 | 06.09.2023 |
16284987 | May/23 | 03.07.2023 |
16251351 | Apr/23 | 03.06.2023 |
16184029 | Mar/23 | 11.05.2023 |
16079496 | Feb/23 | 01.04.2023 |
15978521 | Jan/23 | 04.03.2023 |
Historical Chart by presidents (PHP Million)
Money Supply M3 in Philippines by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Rodrigo Duterte | 30.06.2016 - | 8715942.0000 | 10900074.0000 | 10918725.0000 | 8712330.0000 | 25.06% |
Benigno Aquino | 30.06.2010 - 30.06.2016 | 4072623.7500 | 8659905.0000 | 8659905.0000 | 4015205.7500 | 112.64% |
Gloria Macapagal | 20.01.2001 - 30.06.2010 | 1437725.0000 | 4046092.2500 | 4077521.5000 | 1422527.0000 | 181.42% |
Joseph Ejercito Estrada | 30.06.1998 - 20.01.2001 | 1082808.0000 | 1427397.0000 | 1427397.0000 | 1063600.0000 | 31.82% |
Fidel V. Ramos | 30.06.1992 - 30.06.1998 | 357019.0000 | 1068903.0000 | 1068903.0000 | 341869.0000 | 199.40% |
Corazon C. Aquino | 25.02.1986 - 30.06.1992 | 129573.0000 | 352284.0000 | 352284.0000 | 124207.0000 | 171.88% |
Other money indicators in Philippines
Index | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Bank Lending Rate | Dec/19 | 6.54 % | 6.77 |
Interbank Rate | Apr/19 | 5.22 % | 5.25 |
Interest Rate | Sep/23 | 6.25 % | 6.25 |
Loans to Private Sector | Jul/23 | 9538.916 B USD | 9551.262 |
Central Bank Balance Sheet | Jun/23 | 7294 B USD | 7480 |
Deposit Interest Rate | Sep/23 | 5.75 % | 5.75 |
Foreign Direct Investment | Jul/23 | 0.753 B USD | 0.484 |
Money Supply M1 in other countries
Country | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Bangladesh | Jul/23 | 41.7 B USD | 44.69 |
Jordan | Aug/23 | 18.112 B USD | 18.387 |
Kyrgyzstan | Jun/23 | 3.075 B USD | 2.968 |
Mongolia | Aug/23 | 2.805 B USD | 2.823 |
Tajikistan | Aug/23 | 0.002 B USD | 0.003 |
China | Aug/23 | 9309.452 B USD | 9276.986 |
Georgia | Aug/23 | 5.711 B USD | 5.809 |
India | Jul/23 | 683.437 B USD | 709.523 |
Israel | Aug/23 | 125.099 B USD | 131.2 |
Pakistan | Jun/23 | 94.577 B USD | 90.456 |
South Korea | Jul/23 | 892.317 B USD | 892.254 |
Taiwan | Aug/23 | 330.82 B USD | 335.628 |
Vietnam | 2022 | 133.653 B USD | 144.415 |
Maldives | Jul/23 | 1.484 B USD | 1.532 |
Armenia | Jul/23 | 4.411 B USD | 4.378 |
Hong Kong | Aug/23 | 333.646 B USD | 342.373 |
Indonesia | Aug/23 | 293.488 B USD | 295.951 |
Japan | Aug/23 | 7189.221 B USD | 7182.169 |
Kazakhstan | Aug/23 | 19.643 B USD | 19.828 |
Lebanon | Jun/23 | 7.708 B USD | 6.991 |
Macau | Aug/23 | 8.757 B USD | 8.82 |
Malaysia | Aug/23 | 127.28 B USD | 125.698 |
Philippines | Aug/23 | 6465.417 B USD | 6402.503 |
Qatar | Aug/23 | 39.407 B USD | 40.988 |
Singapore | Aug/23 | 190.106 B USD | 187.983 |
Sri Lanka | Jul/23 | 4.734 B USD | 4.799 |
Thailand | Aug/23 | 80.555 B USD | 80.83 |
Oman | Jul/23 | 14.545 B USD | 14.99 |
Azerbaijan | Feb/23 | 14.518 B USD | 14.534 |
Kuwait | Aug/23 | 34.683 B USD | 35.695 |
Saudi Arabia | Aug/23 | 407.327 B USD | 410.412 |
Bahrain | Aug/23 | 9.462 B USD | 9.65 |
United Arab Emirates | Jul/23 | 212.813 B USD | 213.437 |
Iraq | Jul/23 | 36.647 B USD | 42.927 |
Bhutan | Jun/23 | 1.634 B USD | 1.559 |
Brunei | Jun/23 | 4.394 B USD | 4.22 |