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Money Supply M0, M1, M2, M3 in New Zealand

New Zealand Money Supply Data

Indicator Data Period
Money Supply M0 8907 NZD Million | 5.366 B USD Aug/23
Money Supply M1 118898 NZD Million | 71.634 B USD Aug/23
Money Supply M2 150882 NZD Million | 102.11 B USD Jan/17
Money Supply M3 403361 NZD Million | 243.018 B USD Aug/23

Latest data on Money Supply M0 (NZD Million)

Money Supply M0
                     New Zealand - Historical Data (NZD Million)

How much M0 Money Supply is in New Zealand?

  • Money Supply M0 in New Zealand 8907 NZD Million (5.366 B USD) 8907 NZD Million (5.366 B USD) in August 2023. The maximum volume was 213058 NZD Million and minimum was 1081 NZD Million
  • Data published Monthly by Reserve Bank.

Historical Data (NZD Million) by years

8907 Aug/23 16.09.2023
8914 Jul/23 19.08.2023
8918 Jun/23 22.07.2023
8991 May/23 17.06.2023
9093 Apr/23 13.05.2023
9135 Mar/23 22.04.2023
9041 Feb/23 18.03.2023
9046 Jan/23 18.02.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (NZD Million)

Money Supply M0 in New Zealand by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
John Key 19.11.2008 - 12.12.2016 3804.0000 5873.0000 6113.0000 3804.0000 54.39%
Helen Clark 05.12.1999 - 19.11.2008 3127.0000 3773.0000 4087.0000 2235.0000 20.66%
Jennifer Shipley 08.12.1997 - 13.04.1999 2041.0000 2035.0000 2172.0000 1821.0000 -0.29%
James Bolger 02.11.1990 - 08.12.1997 1308.0000 1826.0000 1943.0000 1268.0000 39.60%

Latest data on Money Supply M1 (NZD Million)

Money Supply M1
                     New Zealand - Historical Data (NZD Million)

How much M1 Money Supply is in New Zealand?

  • Money Supply M1 in New Zealand 118898 NZD Million (71.634 B USD) 118898 NZD Million (71.634 B USD) in August 2023. The maximum volume was 122071 NZD Million and minimum was 1586 NZD Million
  • Data published Monthly by Reserve Bank.

Historical Data (NZD Million) by years

118898 Aug/23 30.09.2023
120829 Jul/23 06.09.2023
120711 Jun/23 05.08.2023
120150 May/23 14.07.2023
123481 Apr/23 03.06.2023
123092 Mar/23 29.04.2023
123531 Feb/23 01.04.2023
124094 Jan/23 04.03.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (NZD Million)

Money Supply M1 in New Zealand by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
John Key 19.11.2008 - 12.12.2016 28187.0000 48946.0000 48946.0000 27869.0000 73.65%
Helen Clark 05.12.1999 - 19.11.2008 14880.0000 27085.0000 28141.0000 14025.0000 82.02%
Jennifer Shipley 08.12.1997 - 13.04.1999 11327.0000 13638.0000 13638.0000 11096.0000 20.40%
James Bolger 02.11.1990 - 08.12.1997 8167.0000 11002.0000 11064.0000 7629.0000 34.71%

Latest data on Money Supply M2 (NZD Million)

Money Supply M2
                     New Zealand - Historical Data (NZD Million)

How much M2 Money Supply is in New Zealand?

  • Money Supply M2 in New Zealand 150882 NZD Million (102.11 B USD) 150882 NZD Million (102.11 B USD) in January 2017. The maximum volume was NZD Million and minimum was NZD Million
  • Data published Monthly by Reserve Bank.

Historical Data (NZD Million) by years

150882 Jan/17 11.08.2017
153357 Dec/16 31.12.2016
153140 Nov/16 30.11.2016
151332 Oct/16 31.10.2016
149620 Sep/16 30.09.2016
150999 Aug/16 31.08.2016
153456 Jul/16 31.07.2016
152508 Jun/16 30.06.2016

Historical Chart by prime ministers (NZD Million)

Money Supply M2 in New Zealand by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
John Key 19.11.2008 - 12.12.2016 80388.0000 153140.0000 155766.0000 74226.0000 90.50%
Helen Clark 05.12.1999 - 19.11.2008 40964.0000 76167.0000 76167.0000 39912.0000 85.94%
Jennifer Shipley 08.12.1997 - 13.04.1999 33336.0000 40933.0000 40933.0000 33336.0000 22.79%
James Bolger 02.11.1990 - 08.12.1997 24235.0000 34324.0000 36119.0000 22746.0000 41.63%

Latest data on Money Supply M3 (NZD Million)

Money Supply M3
                     New Zealand - Historical Data (NZD Million)

How much M3 Money Supply is in New Zealand?

  • Money Supply M3 in New Zealand 403361 NZD Million (243.018 B USD) 403361 NZD Million (243.018 B USD) in August 2023. The maximum volume was 368720 NZD Million and minimum was 6726 NZD Million
  • Data published Monthly by Reserve Bank.

Historical Data (NZD Million) by years

403361 Aug/23 30.09.2023
403358 Jul/23 06.09.2023
399129 Jun/23 05.08.2023
395740 May/23 14.07.2023
398520 Apr/23 03.06.2023
395721 Mar/23 29.04.2023
394722 Feb/23 01.04.2023
393400 Jan/23 04.03.2023

Historical Chart by prime ministers (NZD Million)

Money Supply M3 in New Zealand by prime ministers

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
John Key 19.11.2008 - 12.12.2016 160333.0000 269673.0000 275999.0000 157910.0000 68.20%
Helen Clark 05.12.1999 - 19.11.2008 76630.0000 158344.0000 211710.0000 75188.0000 106.63%
Jennifer Shipley 08.12.1997 - 13.04.1999 71575.0000 73920.0000 93537.0000 71525.0000 3.28%
James Bolger 02.11.1990 - 08.12.1997 41145.0000 70932.0000 89277.0000 40854.0000 72.40%

Other money indicators in New Zealand

Index Updated Actual Previous
Bank Lending Rate Sep/23 12.68 % 12.66
Interbank Rate Oct/23 5.68 % 5.68
Interest Rate Oct/23 5.5 % 5.5
Loans to Private Sector Jul/23 79.255 B USD 79.923
Central Bank Balance Sheet Aug/23 58.478 B USD 57.488
Deposit Interest Rate 2023 5.36 % 5.36
Foreign Direct Investment 2Q/23 0.111 B USD 0.912
Private Sector Credit  Aug/23 335.227 B USD 333.808

Money Supply M1 in other countries

Country Updated Actual Previous
Australia Aug/23 1039.795 B USD 1032.092
New Zealand Aug/23 71.634 B USD 72.797