Gross National Product in Canada
GNP Value in Canada
Indicator | Data | Period |
Gross National Product | 2804048 CAD Million | 2062.255 B USD | 2Q/23 |
Latest data on Gross National Product (CAD Million)
What is the Gross National Product of Canada?
- Gross National Product in Canada increased to 2804048 CAD Million (2062.255 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum level was 2380740 CAD Million and minimum was 39924 CAD Million
- Data published Quarterly by Statistics.
Historical Data (CAD Million) by years
2804048 | 2Q/23 | 06.09.2023 |
2776624 | 1Q/23 | 03.06.2023 |
2747872 | 4Q/22 | 28.02.2023 |
2784500 | 3Q/22 | 29.11.2022 |
2789972 | 2Q/22 | 03.09.2022 |
2677132 | 1Q/22 | 31.05.2022 |
2576444 | 4Q/21 | 05.03.2022 |
2487916 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (CAD Million)
Gross National Product in Canada by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Justin Trudeau | 04.11.2015 - | 2077044.0000 | 2168064.0000 | 2168064.0000 | 2077044.0000 | 4.38% |
Other gdp indicators in Canada
Index | Updated | Actual | Previous |
GDP Value | 2022 | 2140 B USD | 2001 |
Gross National Product in other countries
Country | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Honduras | 2022 | 8.775 B USD | 8.38 |
Brazil | 2Q/23 | 509.178 B USD | 489.345 |
Chile | 2022 | 221.527 B USD | 216.559 |
Canada | 2Q/23 | 2062.255 B USD | 2038.173 |
United States | 2Q/23 | 22385 B USD | 22260 |