Ecuador GDP Data: Value, Growth Rate, Per Capita and Structure
Ecuador GDP Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
GDP Value | 115 USD Billion | 2022 |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | 0.7 % | 1Q/23 |
GDP Growth Rate | 2.51 % | 2Q/23 |
GDP per capita | 5591 USD | 2022 |
GDP Constant Prices | 18122580 USD Thousand | 18.123 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP per capita PPP | 10859 USD | 2022 |
GDP From Agriculture | 1317825 USD Thousand | 1.318 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Construction | 1119018 USD Thousand | 1.119 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Manufacturing | 2066583 USD Thousand | 2.067 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Mining | 1489421 USD Thousand | 1.489 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Public Administration | 1196162 USD Thousand | 1.196 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Services | 1150925 USD Thousand | 1.151 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Transport | 1326917 USD Thousand | 1.327 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Utilities | 639737 USD Thousand | 0.64 B USD | 2Q/23 |
- Annual Growth
- Growth Rate
- per capita
- per capita PPP
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Manufacturing
- Mining
- Public adm.
- Services
- Transport
- Utilities
Latest data on GDP Value (USD Billion)
What is Ecuador GDP Value?
- The volume of Gross Domestic Product in Ecuador increased to 115 USD Billion in 2022. The maximum volume was 108 USD Billion and minimum was 1.52 USD Billion.
- Data published Yearly by World Bank.
Historical Data (USD Billion) by years
115 | 2022 | 30.06.2023 |
106 | 2021 | 06.07.2022 |
98.81 | 2020 | 02.07.2021 |
107 | 2019 | 06.03.2020 |
108 | 2018 | 04.07.2019 |
103.06 | 2017 | 05.07.2018 |
97 | 2016 | 19.06.2018 |
13.9 | 2087 | 31.12.1987 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Billion)
GDP Value in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Lenin Moreno | 24.05.2017 - | 97.8000 | 97.0000 | 97.8000 | 97.0000 | -0.82% |
Latest data on GDP Annual Growth Rate (%)
What is annual GDP growth rate in Ecuador?
- GDP Annual Growth Rate in Ecuador increased by 0.7 % in the first quarter of 2023. The maximum growth was 10.2 % and minimum was -12.8 %
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (%) by years
0.7 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
4.3 | 4Q/22 | 17.04.2023 |
3.2 | 3Q/22 | 23.01.2023 |
1.7 | 2Q/22 | 12.10.2022 |
3.8 | 1Q/22 | 06.09.2022 |
4.9 | 4Q/21 | 18.04.2022 |
5.6 | 3Q/21 | 28.02.2022 |
8.4 | 2Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by YoY presidents (%)
GDP Annual Growth Rate in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Lenin Moreno | 24.05.2017 - | 3.0000 | 3.0000 | 3.0000 | 3.0000 | 0.00% |
Latest data on GDP Growth Rate (%)
What is Ecuador GDP Growth Rate 2024?
- GDP Growth Rate in Ecuador increased by 2.51 % in the second quarter of 2023 over the previous quarter. The maximum growth rate was 4.51 % and minimum was -10.63 %.
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (%) by years
2.51 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
-3.44 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
2.34 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
1.67 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
0.11 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
0.41 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
0.73 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
0.48 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by QoQ presidents (%)
GDP Growth Rate in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Lenin Moreno | 24.05.2017 - | 1.2000 | 1.2000 | 1.2000 | 1.2000 | 0.00% |
Latest data on GDP per capita (USD)
What is Ecuador GDP per capita?
- GDP per capita in Ecuador increased to 5591 USD in 2022. The maximum level was 5412 USD and minimum was 2238 USD.
- Data published Yearly by World Bank.
Historical Data (USD) by years
5591 | 2022 | 30.06.2023 |
5492 | 2021 | 12.07.2022 |
5316 | 2020 | 02.07.2021 |
5097 | 2019 | 06.07.2020 |
5185 | 2018 | 04.07.2019 |
5269.62 | 2017 | 05.07.2018 |
5210.1 | 2016 | 11.08.2017 |
3607.55 | 2087 | 31.12.1987 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD)
GDP per capita in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Lenin Moreno | 24.05.2017 - | 5210.1000 | 5210.1000 | 5210.1000 | 5210.1000 | 0.00% |
Latest data on GDP Constant Prices (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP in Constant Prices?
- Real GDP (Constant Prices) in Ecuador increased to 18122580 USD Thousand (18.123 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum value was 18083932 USD Thousand and minimum was 9134587 USD Thousand.
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
18122580 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
17624276 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
18251544 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
17920546 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
17589432 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
17564316 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
17493340 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
17379048 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP Constant Prices in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP per capita PPP (USD)
What is Ecuador GDP per capita by purchasing power parity?
- GDP per capita PPP (purchasing power parity) in Ecuador increased to 10859 USD in 2022. The maximum level was 12078 USD and minimum was 8176 USD.
- Data published Yearly by World Bank.
Historical Data (USD) by years
10859 | 2022 | 30.06.2023 |
10669 | 2021 | 06.07.2022 |
10329 | 2020 | 02.07.2021 |
11375 | 2019 | 07.07.2020 |
10412 | 2018 | 29.10.2019 |
10582 | 2017 | 04.07.2019 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD)
GDP per capita PPP in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Agriculture (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Agriculture?
- GDP From Agriculture in Ecuador decreased to 1317825 USD Thousand (1.318 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum level was 1426246 USD Thousand and minimum was 787431 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
1317825 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
1376034 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
1362404 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
1320537 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
1309171 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
1365128 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
1399914 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
1345623 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Agriculture in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Construction (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Construction?
- GDP from Construction in Ecuador increased to 1119018 USD Thousand (1.119 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum level was 1775774 USD Thousand and minimum was 499868 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
1119018 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
1028855 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
1105770 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
1100247 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
1101262 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
1100307 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
1101105 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
1092933 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Construction in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Manufacturing (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Manufacturing?
- GDP from Manufacturing in Ecuador remained unchanged at 2066583 USD Thousand (2.067 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum volume was 2111869 USD Thousand and minimum was 1094728 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
2066583 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
1996627 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
2049845 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
2064035 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
2052055 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
2031436 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
2065053 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
2061309 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Manufacturing in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Mining (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Mining?
- GDP from Mining in Ecuador increased to 1489421 USD Thousand (1.489 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum volume was 1737371 USD Thousand and minimum was 880806 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
1489421 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
1440424 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
1549611 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
1558665 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
1505185 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
1508791 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
1331471 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
1541857 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Mining in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Public Administration (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Public Administration?
- GDP from Public Administration in Ecuador increased to 1196162 USD Thousand (1.196 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum level was 1189560 USD Thousand and minimum was 535146 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
1196162 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
1164611 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
1188422 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
1159882 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
1160877 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
1152910 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
1163676 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
1157557 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Public Administration in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Services (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Services?
- GDP from Services in Ecuador increased to 1150925 USD Thousand (1.151 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum level was 1180118 USD Thousand and minimum was 863720 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
1150925 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
1140484 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
1166866 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
1149941 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
1133041 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
1134486 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
1135085 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
1109230 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Services in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Transport (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Transport?
- GDP from Transport in Ecuador increased to 1326917 USD Thousand (1.327 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum level was 1332743 USD Thousand and minimum was 666729 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
1326917 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
1322238 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
1344691 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
1343490 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
1328785 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
1307909 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
1317220 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
1279921 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Transport in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Latest data on GDP From Utilities (USD Thousand)
What is Ecuador GDP From Utilities?
- GDP from Utilities in Ecuador increased to 639737 USD Thousand (0.64 B USD) in the second quarter of 2023. The maximum level was 597618 USD Thousand and minimum was 121724 USD Thousand
- Data published Quarterly by Central Bank.
Historical Data (USD Thousand) by years
639737 | 2Q/23 | 30.09.2023 |
567368 | 1Q/23 | 14.07.2023 |
559101 | 4Q/22 | 01.04.2023 |
577260 | 3Q/22 | 07.01.2023 |
564993 | 2Q/22 | 01.10.2022 |
562827 | 1Q/22 | 02.07.2022 |
561599 | 4Q/21 | 02.04.2022 |
485172 | 3Q/21 | 18.01.2022 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Thousand)
GDP From Utilities in Ecuador by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Other gdp indicators in Ecuador
Index | Updated | Actual | Previous |
GDP Value in other countries
Country | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Colombia | 2022 | 344 B USD | 319 |
Panama | 2022 | 76.52 B USD | 67.41 |
Puerto Rico | 2022 | 113 B USD | 106 |
Honduras | 2022 | 31.72 B USD | 28.49 |
Brazil | 2022 | 1920 B USD | 1650 |
Chile | 2022 | 301 B USD | 317 |
Paraguay | 2022 | 41.72 B USD | 39.95 |
Argentina | 2022 | 633 B USD | 487 |
Canada | 2022 | 2140 B USD | 2001 |
Ecuador | 2022 | 115 B USD | 106 |
Mexico | 2022 | 1414 B USD | 1273 |
Peru | 2022 | 243 B USD | 224 |
United States | 2022 | 25463 B USD | 23315 |
Uruguay | 2022 | 71.18 B USD | 61.41 |
Jamaica | 2022 | 17.1 B USD | 14.66 |
Suriname | 2022 | 3.62 B USD | 2.98 |
Venezuela | 2021 | 112 B USD | 106 |
Belize | 2022 | 2.82 B USD | 2.49 |
Cameroon | 2022 | 44.34 B USD | 45.34 |
Cape Verde | 2022 | 2.31 B USD | 2.09 |
Cuba | 2021 | 545 B USD | 107 |
Dominican Republic | 2022 | 114 B USD | 94.24 |
El Salvador | 2022 | 32.49 B USD | 29.45 |
Guyana | 2022 | 15.36 B USD | 8.04 |
Haiti | 2022 | 20.25 B USD | 20.88 |
Nicaragua | 2022 | 15.67 B USD | 14.15 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 2022 | 27.9 B USD | 24.46 |