Economy of Finland. Statistics, Data and Indicators
96AA+ | Credit rank #14 |
195.30 | Quality of life #2 |
2 | Corruption rank#6 |
20 | Ease of doing business#17 |
Finland Major Economic Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
GDP Value | 281 USD Billion | 2022 |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | -0.4 % | 2Q/23 |
GDP Growth Rate | 0.6 % | 2Q/23 |
GDP per capita | 47088 USD | 2022 |
Inflation Rate YoY | 5.6 % | Aug/23 |
Interest Rate | 4.5 % | Sep/23 |
Unemployment Rate | 6.7 % | Aug/23 |
Wages | 3883 EUR/Month | 4119.457 USD/Month | 2Q/23 |
Balance of Trade | 100 EUR Million | 0.106 B USD | Aug/23 |
Current Account | -175 EUR Million | -0.186 B USD | Jul/23 |
Foreign Exchange Reserves | 15436 EUR Million | 16.376 B USD | Aug/23 |
Government Debt | 152555 EUR Million | 161.845 B USD | Aug/23 |
GDP Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
GDP Value | 281 USD Billion | 2022 |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | -0.4 % | 2Q/23 |
GDP Growth Rate | 0.6 % | 2Q/23 |
GDP per capita | 47088 USD | 2022 |
Gross National Product | 58981 EUR Million | 62.573 USD Billion | 2Q/23 |
GDP Constant Prices | 59028 EUR Million | 62.623 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP per capita PPP | 49586 USD | 2022 |
GDP From Agriculture | 1362 EUR Million | 1.445 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Construction | 2993 EUR Million | 3.175 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Manufacturing | 8323 EUR Million | 8.83 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Public Administration | 9898 EUR Million | 10.501 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Services | 37588 EUR Million | 39.877 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Transport | 1914 EUR Million | 2.031 B USD | 2Q/23 |
GDP From Utilities | 1620 EUR Million | 1.719 B USD | 2Q/23 |
Budget Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Government Debt to GDP | 73 % | 2022 |
Government Budget Value | -33 EUR Million | -0.035 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Government Spending | 15973 EUR Million | 16.946 USD Billion | 2Q/23 |
Government Debt | 152555 EUR Million | 161.845 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Government Revenues | 5815 EUR Million | 6.169 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Fiscal Expenditure | 5848 EUR Million | 6.204 B USD | Aug/23 |
Government Budget to GDP | -0.9 % | 2022 |
Government Spending to GDP | 53.4 % | 2022 |
Military Expenditure | 4823 USD Million | 4.823 B USD | 2022 |
Inflation Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Consumer Price Index (CPI) | 120 index points | Aug/23 |
Export Prices | 132 index points | Aug/23 |
Food Inflation | 6.8 % | Aug/23 |
Gasoline Prices | 2.13 USD/Liter | Sep/23 |
GDP Deflator | 119 index points | 2Q/23 |
Import Prices | 135 index points | Aug/23 |
Inflation Rate YoY | 5.6 % | Aug/23 |
Producer Prices | 135 index points | Aug/23 |
Inflation Rate Mom | -0.7 % | Aug/23 |
Core Consumer Prices | 113 Index Points | Aug/23 |
Core Inflation Rate | 3.6 % | Sep/23 |
CPI Housing Utilities | 181 Index Points | Aug/23 |
CPI Transportation | 120 Index Points | Aug/23 |
Harmonised Consumer Prices | 118 Index Points | Aug/23 |
Producer Prices Change | -8.4 % | Aug/23 |
Trade Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Current Account to GDP | -3.9 % | 2022 |
Weapons Sales | 29 USD Million | 2022 |
Balance of Trade | 100 EUR Million | 0.106 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Capital Flows | -3073 EUR Million | -3.26 USD Billion | Jul/23 |
Current Account | -175 EUR Million | -0.186 USD Billion | Jul/23 |
Exports | 6065 EUR Million | 6.434 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
External Debt | 630048 EUR Million | 668.415 USD Billion | 2Q/23 |
Foreign Exchange Reserves | 15436 EUR Million | 16.376 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Imports | 5965 EUR Million | 6.328 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Terms of Trade | 97.9 Index Points | Aug/23 |
Money Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Bank Lending Rate | 7.74 % | Aug/23 |
Gold Reserves | 49.02 Tonnes | 2Q/23 |
Interbank Rate | 3.98 % | Oct/23 |
Interest Rate | 4.5 % | Sep/23 |
Loans to Private Sector | 106053 EUR Million | 112.511 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Money Supply M0 | 26795 EUR Million | 28.427 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Money Supply M1 | 143182 EUR Million | 151.901 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Money Supply M2 | 180188 EUR Million | 191.161 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Money Supply M3 | 232314 EUR Million | 246.461 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Central Bank Balance Sheet | 1874 EUR Million | 1.988 B USD | Sep/23 |
Foreign Direct Investment | 76189 EUR Million | 80.829 B USD | 2021 |
Labor Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Retirement Age Men | 64 | 2022 |
Retirement Age Women | 64 | 2022 |
Unemployment Rate | 6.7 % | Aug/23 |
Wages | 3883 EUR/Month | 4119.457 USD/Month | 2Q/23 |
Youth Unemployment Rate | 12.1 % | Jul/23 |
Employed Persons | 2662 Thousand Person | 2.662 Million Person | Aug/23 |
Employment Change | 0.1 % | 2Q/23 |
Employment Rate | 74.6 % | Aug/23 |
Full Time Employment | 2046 Thousand Person | 1Q/23 |
Job Vacancies | 54812 | 54.812 K | Aug/23 |
Labor Force Participation Rate | 69.1 % | Aug/23 |
Living Wage Family | 1700 EUR/Month | 1915.212 USD/Month | 2018 |
Living Wage Individual | 1160 EUR/Month | 1306.851 USD/Month | 2018 |
Long Term Unemployment Rate | 1.5 % | 2Q/23 |
Part Time Employment | 421 Thousand Persons | 1Q/23 |
Unemployed Persons | 192 Thousand Persons | 0.192 Million Persons | Aug/23 |
Wages High Skilled | 4250 EUR/Month | 4788.031 USD/Month | 2018 |
Wages Low Skilled | 1980 EUR/Month | 2230.659 USD/Month | 2018 |
Indicator | Data | Period |
Corporate Tax Rate | 20 % | 2023 |
Personal Income Tax Rate | 56.95 % | 2021 |
Sales Tax Rate | 24 % | 2023 |
Social Security Rate | 31.55 % | 2021 |
Social Security Rate For Companies | 20 % | 2022 |
Social Security Rate For Employees | 10.89 % | 2021 |
Production Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Electricity Production | 5770 GWh | Aug/23 |
Industrial Production | 1 % | Aug/23 |
Mining Production | -9.7 % | Aug/23 |
Steel Production | 339 Thousand Tonnes | Dec/20 |
Industrial Production (MoM) | 2.1 % | Aug/23 |
Business Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Bankruptcies | 749 companies | 2Q/23 |
Business Confidence | -21 index points | Sep/23 |
Corruption Index | 87 index points | 2022 |
Corruption Rank | 2 place | 2022 |
Ease of Doing Business | 20 place | 2019 |
Manufacturing Production | -0.3 % | Aug/23 |
Competitiveness Index | 80.25 Index Points | 2019 |
Competitiveness Rank | 11 | 2019 |
Leading Economic Index | 9 % | May/21 |
Consumer Indicators
Indicator | Data | Period |
Consumer Confidence | -11.5 index points | Sep/23 |
Private Debt To GDP | 231 % | 2021 |
Retail Sales MoM | -1.2 % | Jun/23 |
Retail Sales YoY | 0.3 % | Jun/23 |
Consumer Credit | 17153 EUR Million | 18.198 USD Billion | Aug/23 |
Consumer Spending | 30779 EUR Million | 32.653 USD Billion | 2Q/23 |
Households Debt To GDP | 64.5 % | 1Q/23 |
Households Debt To Income | 118 % | 2021 |
Housing Market
Indicator | Data | Period |
Construction Output | -5.9 % | Jul/23 |