United States FED Balance Sheet
Indicator | Data | Period |
Central Bank Balance Sheet | 7955782 USD Million | 7955.782 B USD |
Latest data on Central Bank Balance Sheet (USD Million)
What is volume of United States Central Bank Balance Sheet?
- Central Bank Balance Sheet in United States decreased to 7955782 USD Million (7955.782 B USD) in October 2023. The maximum balance was 8101945 USD Million and minimum was 712809 USD Million.
- Data published Weekly by Federal Reserve.
Historical Data (USD Million) by years
7955782 | 09.10.2023 | |
8002064 | 15.09.2023 | |
8139066 | 21.08.2023 | |
8243344 | 14.07.2023 | |
8389325 | 16.06.2023 | |
8436255 | 19.05.2023 | |
8593263 | 07.04.2023 | |
8705942 | 08.03.2023 |
Historical Chart by presidents (USD Million)
Central Bank Balance Sheet in United States by presidents
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Other money indicators in United States
Index | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Bank Lending Rate | Sep/23 | 8.5 % | 8.5 |
Interbank Rate | Oct/23 | 5.67 % | 5.67 |
Interest Rate | Sep/23 | 5.5 % | 5.5 |
Loans to Private Sector | Aug/23 | 2763 B USD | 2763 |
Money Supply M1 | Aug/23 | 18320 B USD | 18447 |
Foreign Direct Investment | 2Q/23 | 74.634 B USD | 70.38 |
Net Long Term Tic Flows | Jul/23 | 8777 M USD | 185990 |
Private Sector Credit | Aug/23 | 12174 B USD | 12131 |
Central Bank Balance Sheet in other countries
Country | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Colombia | Aug/23 | 77.376 B USD | 74.653 |
Brazil | Mar/23 | 828.286 B USD | 812.298 |
Chile | Aug/23 | 0.068 B USD | 0.072 |
Argentina | Sep/23 | 59791580 B USD | 58451336 |
Canada | Aug/23 | 256.707 B USD | 263.168 |
Mexico | Sep/23 | 235.811 B USD | 224.421 |
United States | 7955.782 B USD | 8002.064 | |
Uruguay | Aug/23 | 3.09 B USD | 3.027 |
Jamaica | Aug/21 | 7.335 B USD | 6.926 |
Venezuela | Aug/23 | 976.149 B USD | 926.377 |
Belize | Jul/23 | 1846.441 B USD | 1830.441 |