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Number of Bankruptcies in Turkey

Bankruptcies in Turkey

Indicator Data Period
Bankruptcies 1784 companies Aug/23

Latest data on Bankruptcies (companies)

                     Turkey - Historical Data (companies)

What is the number of Bankruptcies in Turkey?

  • The number of bankruptcies in Turkey decreased to 1784 companies companies in August 2023. The maximum level was 3179 companies and minimum was 11 companies.
  • Data published Monthly by Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges.

Historical Data (companies) by years

1784 Aug/23 23.09.2023
2156 Jul/23 19.08.2023
1938 Jun/23 22.07.2023
2079 May/23 24.06.2023
1458 Apr/23 27.05.2023
1506 Mar/23 29.04.2023
1225 Feb/23 25.03.2023
1646 Jan/23 25.02.2023

Historical Chart by presidents (companies)

Bankruptcies in Turkey by presidents

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
Tayyip Erdogan 28.08.2014 - 874.0000 623.0000 2734.0000 581.0000 -28.72%
Abdullah Gul 28.08.2007 - 28.08.2014 598.0000 1136.0000 3113.0000 568.0000 89.97%
Necdet Sezer 16.05.2000 - 28.08.2007 99.0000 730.0000 1549.0000 70.0000 637.37%
Suleyman Demirel 16.05.1993 - 16.05.2000 143.0000 90.0000 277.0000 11.0000 -37.06%

Other business indicators in Turkey

Index Updated Actual Previous
Business Confidence Sep/23 104 in. pt. 105
Corruption Index 2022 36 in. pt. 38
Ease of Doing Business 2019 33 place 43
Manufacturing PMI Sep/23 49.6 in. pt. 49
Manufacturing Production Aug/23 1.78 % 7.59
Competitiveness Index 2019 62.14 in. pt. 61.6
Economic Optimism Index Sep/23 95.4 in. pt. 94.1
Leading Economic Index  Aug/23 5.62 % 6.97
Total Vehicle Sales Sep/23 0.097 M Units 0.086

Bankruptcies in other countries

Country Updated Actual Previous
Russia 4Q/21 2831 companies 2426
Finland 2Q/23 749 companies 891
United Kingdom 2Q/23 6342 companies 5824
Switzerland 2022 15009 companies 14081
Belgium Aug/23 432 companies 663
Denmark Aug/23 326 companies 418
Germany Jun/23 1548 companies 1478
Iceland Aug/23 5 companies 26
Italy 2Q/23 1852 companies 1801
Netherlands Aug/23 335 companies 265
Spain 2Q/23 1349 companies 1546
Sweden Aug/23 587 companies 679
Turkey Aug/23 1784 companies 2156
France Aug/23 4279 companies 4583
Norway Jul/23 225 companies 394
Lithuania 2023 283 Companies 316
Luxembourg 2022 1024 Companies 1180