Number of Bankruptcies in Belgium
Bankruptcies in Belgium
Indicator | Data | Period |
Bankruptcies | 432 companies | Aug/23 |
Latest data on Bankruptcies (companies)
What is the number of Bankruptcies in Belgium?
- The number of bankruptcies in Belgium decreased to 432 companies companies in August 2023. The maximum level was 1322 companies and minimum was 262 companies.
- Data published Monthly by Belgostat.
Historical Data (companies) by years
432 | Aug/23 | 23.09.2023 |
663 | Jul/23 | 26.08.2023 |
1092 | Jun/23 | 22.07.2023 |
864 | May/23 | 17.06.2023 |
817 | Apr/23 | 27.05.2023 |
917 | Mar/23 | 15.04.2023 |
828 | Feb/23 | 18.03.2023 |
799 | Jan/23 | 18.02.2023 |
Historical Chart by prime ministers (companies)
Bankruptcies in Belgium by prime ministers
Name | Period | Start Data | End Data | Max Value | Min Value | CHG% Start/End |
Charles Yves | 11.10.2014 - | 1017.0000 | 784.0000 | 1153.0000 | 376.0000 | -22.91% |
Other business indicators in Belgium
Index | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Business Confidence | Sep/23 | -14.4 in. pt. | -14.9 |
Corruption Index | 2022 | 73 in. pt. | 73 |
Ease of Doing Business | 2019 | 46 place | 45 |
Manufacturing Production | Aug/23 | -0.7 % | -3.4 |
Competitiveness Index | 2019 | 76.38 in. pt. | 76.61 |
Bankruptcies in other countries
Country | Updated | Actual | Previous |
Russia | 4Q/21 | 2831 companies | 2426 |
Finland | 2Q/23 | 749 companies | 891 |
United Kingdom | 2Q/23 | 6342 companies | 5824 |
Switzerland | 2022 | 15009 companies | 14081 |
Belgium | Aug/23 | 432 companies | 663 |
Denmark | Aug/23 | 326 companies | 418 |
Germany | Jun/23 | 1548 companies | 1478 |
Iceland | Aug/23 | 5 companies | 26 |
Italy | 2Q/23 | 1852 companies | 1801 |
Netherlands | Aug/23 | 335 companies | 265 |
Spain | 2Q/23 | 1349 companies | 1546 |
Sweden | Aug/23 | 587 companies | 679 |
Turkey | Aug/23 | 1784 companies | 2156 |
France | Aug/23 | 4279 companies | 4583 |
Norway | Jul/23 | 225 companies | 394 |
Lithuania | 2023 | 283 Companies | 316 |
Luxembourg | 2022 | 1024 Companies | 1180 |