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Peru Bank Lending Rate

Bank Lending Rate in Peru

Indicator Data Period
Bank Lending Rate 0.84 % Sep/23

Latest data on Bank Lending Rate (%)

Bank Lending Rate
                     Peru - Historical Data (%)

What is Peru Bank Lending Rate?

  • Bank Lending Rate in Peru increased to 0.84 % in September 2023. The maximum level was 58.3 % and minimum was 0.45 %.
  • Data published Monthly by Central Reserve Bank.

Historical Data (%) by years

0.84 Sep/23 06.10.2023
0.76 Aug/23 08.09.2023
0.76 Jul/23 04.08.2023
0.71 Jun/23 14.07.2023
0.72 May/23 09.06.2023
0.67 Apr/23 05.05.2023
0.65 Mar/23 14.04.2023
0.64 Feb/23 10.03.2023

Historical Chart by presidents (%)

Bank Lending Rate in Peru by presidents

Name Period Start Data End Data Max Value Min Value CHG% Start/End
Martín Vizcarra 23.03.2018 - 0.6900 0.6900 0.7000 0.6900 0.00%
Pablo Kuczynski 28.06.2016 - 23.03.2018 0.4700 0.6600 0.6600 0.4700 40.43%
Ollanta Humala 28.07.2011 - 28.07.2016 0.5100 0.4700 0.7000 0.4500 -7.84%
Alan García Pérez 28.07.2006 - 28.07.2011 1.2800 0.5000 1.5600 0.5000 -60.94%
Alejandro Toledo 28.07.2001 - 28.07.2006 6.3300 1.2100 6.3300 1.1500 -80.88%
Alberto Fujimori 28.07.1990 - 22.11.2000 58.3000 7.4700 58.3000 7.4500 -87.19%

Other money indicators in Peru

Index Updated Actual Previous
Interbank Rate Oct/23 0.81 % 0.81
Interest Rate Oct/23 7.25 % 7.5
Loans to Private Sector Aug/23 65.372 B USD 65.385
Money Supply M1 Aug/23 35.062 B USD 34.912
Deposit Interest Rate 2022 4.82 % 0.7
Foreign Direct Investment 4Q/22 1.462 B USD 2.515
Private Sector Credit  Aug/23 118.943 B USD 117.958

Bank Lending Rate in other countries

Country Updated Actual Previous
Brazil Aug/23 57.71 % 58.25
Chile Sep/23 14.28 % 14.39
Canada Sep/23 7.2 % 7.2
Peru Sep/23 0.84 % 0.76
United States Sep/23 8.5 % 8.5